Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Summer continues

Will Autumn arrive? Tonight it is supposed to start raining again. I hope that means that the temperatures will start coming down and we can enjoy some cool weather for a change. Two weeks ago we received some precipitation and it cooled off and felt like the end of Summer. Then the dryness returned and the heat.

I wish I was going to Virginia this weekend. W&L is playing Averett College in Salem in a benefit for Habitat for Humanity. The game will be played at night. I wish I were going to be there.

Instead, I will probably be in Greenville, SC swapping cars out with the kid. PC is playing elsewhere and we will probably go to downtown Greenville to look around and eat supper. We will probably stay in a motel in Greenville or Simpsonville. We'll see.

I wish the things that are impinging on me right now would resolve themselves. I am awaiting checks and closings. If I can get some of these files closed and billed, I should be all right.

Cindy is probably going to need surgery on her thyroid gland. I have got to arrange insurance to cover her and this surgery. That will place a big bill on the monthly income. It would be nice if the thyroid responded to medication.

Things are going ok, even though everyone seems rather glum these days. I continue to whittle down the debt and hopefully can start adding to the investments soon. The impending end of Kate's college expenses is a nice goal. I am very proud of her.

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