Monday, February 13, 2012

Crackles in the dark

Is it a problem when I go out into the darkness of 11:30 in my pajamas to let the dog do his business? So far, no complaints. Tonight, I expected it to be quite chilly when I left the house. For the past few evenings the wind has been whipping around the corners of the house, shaking the storm windows, moaning like a banshee.

But tonight, I took Tex out expecting to see the coming of the precipitation. Instead, the night was silent like a snowfall. I came back in and told Cindy that if it were about thirty degrees cooler I could see it snowing. Of course, it is not thirty degrees cooler. We would have to travel up to Blairsville for that tonight. And it may not happen anyway.

I have been pleased because my laptop has been receiving my wifi for two days in a row. I think I finally figured out the problem. This allows me to write my blog, so you can blame it on my technical abilities. I'll let Kate attest to that.

It was a dark, still night in the neighborhood tonight. No dogs barking from down the street. No shade tree mechanics revving their engines. Instead, the clouds blanketed the atmosphere above the pines and everything was silence.

So quiet that I could hear the dog pee.

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