Sunday, November 7, 2010

Hacking Weekend

It is Sunday evening. Yesterday began in a hotel bed in Dunwoody, then progressed to a borrower's house in Martinez, Georgia, near Augusta. Afterward, I drove back to Dunwoody where I settled into watching football and making dressing. In the middle of the afternoon, I went upstairs and got on line to see what was going with W&L and Hampden Sydney. Georgia had alreay taken the measure of Idaho State and found them lacking. Fortunately, W&L's offense kept them in the lead. They had two runners with heavy totals and their quarterback was on. Apparently, the defense did a good job too, creating five turnovers in the first half to give them a big lead.

Now they have won the Conference Championship and will play in the NCAA playoffs. That is the second time in five years. That is great.

Cindy and I have developed colds or something and we are on Musenex and cough drops and it makes us wake up in the middle of the night, which keeps us sleepy throughout the day. Well, Dunwoody won and the Falcons won. Sports highs can take you only so far. There is always another week, another set of games. You can only expect so much.

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