Saturday, July 10, 2010

Saturday, middling rain and shine

Today the weather flitted between bright sunshine and humidity and light rain. I found that a mother bird has built a nest in my topsy turvey, so while I try to bring my three cherokee purple tomato plants to fruition, I am now prevented from watering the way I want to because of the danger to the baby birds I can now hear chirping from within the apparatus. This comes as I am finally getting some of the tomatoes to ripen on the vine without developing the rot which has afflicted the first of the ripe fruit. Perhaps my farmer genes are not for naught.

Cindy wasn't feelng very well today. She spent most of the day inside playing card games on the computer. Meanwhile, I was going inside and out, working and finding shelter from the raindrops. It was not a very satisfying Saturday. I did have to go into the office for awhile and made a second trip to Jackson.

I am hopeful that the next few days will be profitable. I am getting tired of these days without any payment from clients. I spent a good part of last week trying to get bills out and work on accounts. It really requires a lot of effort when you have to make up for the failure to get payment up front.

I look forward to the next week. It appears that the refinancing has broken loose. I received three closing in two days. I get to drive to Columbus on Wednesday and probably eat at one of my favorite places on the way back. Perhaps I will be making some trips toward Macon and Warner Robins. Those seem to be popular places to send me.

Perhaps, Sunday will be better.

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