Friday, April 2, 2010

You don't get points for attendance

The Maundy Thursday service was somewhat disappointing. Cindy and Kate got stuck in Dunwoody with a ton of traffic that forced them to wait until it was too late to wade through the traffic back home to Griffin. So, I went alone to church and the choir was ready for our performance both this evening and for Sunday morning, but when we entered the choir loft we found that the congregation that night was about twenty people, if that many. The service itself went well. I always appreciate the Maundy Thursday service. I think it is the most significant service of the year and definitely the least understood and appreciated service of the year. In some sense, you can't appreciate Easter without going through Maundy Thursday. It sets the table for what happens for the rest of the week.

Tomorrow is Good Friday and we will have a service at lunch time. It also is a meaningful time which is slightly attended. Oh well. You don't get points for attendance.

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