Monday, February 22, 2010

Spring colors

My wife and daughter are the artistic photographers who immortalize me from time to time in a photograph. This picture was taken by Kate at the High Museum after we had finished going through the exhibit of Leonardo DaVinci. A lot of the drawings which were drawn by DaVinci and the prints themselves were owned by Her Royal Highness, Queen Elizabeth II. This is just a good example of how successful the English were in their Empire days of identifying art and culture and extracting it from wherever it was found and bringing it back to the British Museum or wherever they decided to store it.

But anyway, we were waiting to leave the exhibits and I was taking an opportunity to sit and enjoy the quiet at the end of a hallway. Kate caught me in a moment of thought or solitude in my yellow cotton sweater. Kate has a nice touch.

I like color. I can't wait for the coming of Spring. On Saturday the daffodils were beginning to flower, even though their stems were immature and quite short. There were a few crocus, which are the earliest of the Spring flowers, usually flowering in February and just poking their faces above the cold ground.

I feel we are coming into the Spring now. The afternoon sun holds the day a little longer. It just feels like its around the corner.

Can't wait.

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