Friday, January 8, 2010


After all the drama of the past few days concerning the possibility of snow today, then all of the coverage and even the preemption of network morning shows for the coverage by the locals of the weather stories, it snowed about enough to appear a powder sugar frosting by a very careful pastry chef. Not too much. Just a faint dusting on the top.

I awoke this morning and looked out the window on the off chance that there was a real coverage of snow on the ground, to see very little evidence of frozen precipitation. No, instead, there were patches of snow frosted on the grass, in other people's yards, and on the roofs of the houses across the street. I didn't even get the chance to try Tex out on the snow and ice to monitor his reaction.

Instead, I microwaved some sausage biscuits, showered and dressed and drove in to town on streets which were very quiet from the threatening of snow and the closing of the local schools.

Well, it is still quite cold out and perhaps we will get some snow later in the Winter, in late January or February.

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