Monday, November 16, 2009

Court and court and court

This morning began somewhate reminicent of that scene in The Godfather where the movie producer wakes up with the horse's head in his bed. I woke up around 4:30 and there was a furry presence next to me. Apparently, at some point in the middle of the night, Tex came creeping and Cindy pulled him up in bed.

I woke up with a strange pain in my right thumb. I don't think it was a hitch-hiking injury. It just came from nowhere. I woke up and went into the living room and watched two episodes of King of the Hill before I returned to bed and the dog and my wife and a bit of slumber before the morning began, or had it already done so.

I went to work and downloaded a package for a closing which was later cancelled. I am sure Al Gore is happy with the waste of paper. Later, I rode over to the City offices and paid my light bill and went to court. I spoke with Trey, the solicitor, and worked out a deal, then sat in the courtroom and talked to a female lawyer from Sandy Springs. I filled her in with some of the local details which allowed her to finish her day early and head back to North Fulton County. Meanwhile, I was stuck until they brought the jail cases out and was able to work out something with the solicitor and my client.

At this point, I went back to the office and found that another client of mine had been arrested in Clayton County and was held because of a bench warrant issued after his case went to grand jury. This was not normal. Just a trick of the district attorney's office, which allows them to put pressure on the defendants. Later, I spoke with a friend of mine and we commiserated about the things the d.a.'s office was pulling. Apparently, he had a client who was treated the same way.

Meanwhile, I was trying to get the package for my next closing in the morning. I still don't have it and it is almost 9:30 in the evening and the closing is set for 9:00.

Tomorrow is two closings and maybe an evening with friends at J. Henry's. This weekend is getting more complicated as we go. I have court on Wednesday and Friday and I have to redo some closings which didn't go earlier. We are leaving on Saturday and going to Charleston for the week. It will be fun.

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