Sunday, March 15, 2009

A relaxing morning

I woke up and you couldn't tell that it was raining, until you took the dog out. Then you found that there was a consistent mist and it really grates on you when you are trying to talk the dog into finding a suitable place and moment to relieve himself and he seems to be sampling every spot by smell. It makes you wish you didn't have a dog, or at least you had someone else who would walk the dog.

Nevertheless, that task was accomplished and the dog was back inside and you sat down on the couch and watched a movie and waited for everyone else to wake up. Meanwhile, the dog was scratching his itches and you found the other container of orange juice.

And suddenly Kate was up and she said good morning to you before she stepped into the shower. Then Cindy got up and wondered what the Hell you were watching. And then asked you if you had prepared her coffee. And she mentioned to you that she had defrosted bacon and that would be good for breakfast. And then the coffee was made and you poured a cup for Cindy and a cup for Kate and then you brought them their cups. And Cindy mentioned that she needed toast.

So you went back into the kitchen and you put a slice of bread into the toaster and asked her what she wanted on the toast and she said cream cheese, so you put cream cheese on the toast and brought it to her. And she said that the cream cheese was too lightly applied. So you took it back and applied more cream cheese. And then the bacon was ready and you brought it to her.

Meanwhile, you were readying the dishwasher for another run. And finally, it was time for you to eat toast and bacon. And you sat down and Cindy squnched her face up and asked if she had drank Kate's coffee, because it had sugar in it. And she had. And you swapped the cups and everything was fine.

So you took the dog and bathed him and showered yourself and then you dried yourself and dried the dog. And Cindy suggested that you use paper towels to dry the dog completely. And you did. And Cindy took a shower and dried her hair and dressed and finally, it was time to leave for Atlanta and you turned on the dishwasher to run while you were out.

Then you took the dog out for a last time and pulled the car up so we could leave. And Cindy walked through the kitchen and remarked that the kitchen was a mess again.

But as you pulled out, she said, "Well, was that a nice relaxing morning?"

"Oh yes."
It got better with the Guinness and the corn beef and cabbage. Of course, I could have done without the stepdancers.

Rain, rain, rain.

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