Friday, October 3, 2008

The South Shall Rise Again

I was watching the Tonight Show last night and Jay had Dennis Miller and a golfer from Milton, Florida named "Boo". After Jay had finished with Dennis Miller he brought on this golfer and started talking to him about the Ryder Cup, which the American team had won several weeks ago. Boo was clearly a Southerner and showed his background distinctly by his drawl and his manner of responding to Jay's questions.

After several minutes of responding to Jay's questions, Dennis Miller broke in to the conversation and asked Boo this question: "If given the choice, would you rather play for the American team or the South."

At this question, Boo suddenly stammered the beginning of an answer, but was clearly flustered. After several attempts to answer the question, Dennis interrupted him and told that, "That's alright, you don't have to choose."

And with that it is clear that the possibility of a Second War Between the States still exists today.

1 comment:

kate baynham said...

yikes dad. perhaps a cultural revolution is in order? someone can tell dennis miller he should get new jokes, not material circa 1993.